The Perfect Extension Of Your Home

Mdock Wire Guide blinds

As the heat creeps in, a common favourite part of the home is the patio. Otherwise known as the extension of your home.

A space usually nestled somewhere between the inside and outside of your home, what makes patios so great is that you get to experience the outdoors while you feel like you’re indoors… am I right or am I right?

Outdoor blinds extend that “indoor” feeling of your patio in different weather conditions. Isn’t that great? I actually wrote all about it here. The durable SheerWeave fabric gently filters heat and light, while providing a degree of weather protection for your furniture as well.

We’ve added another option to the range, so there are now 3 options you can choose from. Channel X, Free hang and the latest addition – Mdock wire guide blinds. They’re very stylish and have all the fabulous features of Outdoor blinds. Here’s what they look like:

Pretty hey?

Mdock blinds are incredibly easy to use and practical. They are designed with the same durable light filtering fabric as the Channel X and Free hang blinds, only this time Mdock blinds have magnetic hold downs at the bottom to keep the blind in place when closed. Leaving the smallest possible gap at the bottom of the blinds.

Who knew style could be so practical?

Place an order for your custom made blinds here.

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